Thursday, 11 July 2024

Boosting numbers at GCSE in your MFL department: Stage 1, focus on the curriculum

As we approach the beginning of the summer holidays, I wanted to reflect on my first year at Princes Risborough School. It has certainly been a challenging year but also an exciting and successful one. What the team has achieved in just nine months, I think, is very special.  The main success has been to move from 22 students studying MFL at GCSE between French and Spanish, to 70 (48 in Spanish and 22 in French). There's still a lot to do but lots to celebrate too!!!

I wanted to share with you what our strategy has been to boost the numbers at GCSE in the department and raise the profile of languages in the school. 

I must talk about the THREE PILLARS:

1. Creating a mission statement. 

2. Designing a rich and clever curriculum, underpinned by our mission statement

3. Educating students and parents.


This is key! The mission statement should be the core of any department, our unique selling point to students, parents and SLT. This should be our intent and must be underpinned by the school own mission statement.  It must also reflect the context of the school we work in.  Finally, it has to be agreed by the whole department so there is ownership by all members of what we want to achieve by the end  of our learning journey in MFL.  

At PRS the MFL mission statement is Languages, a life-skill to achieve.  The school big mission and logo is aspire and achieve so we wanted to show that in order to be successful in life, a language is necessary as it is a life-skill, such as being able to swim or ride a bike. This urge in the mission statement places languages at a high level: you must learn a language as it is essential, it is a life-skill and by doing so, you will achieve!

Once agreed, our mission statement was turned into big banners which were displayed in our MFL corridor and underpinned our BIG MFL CURRICULUM INTENT AND PEDAGOGY:

Our big intent in the implementation of our curriculum, underpinned by our mission statement is for our students to achieve FLUENCY by the end of their language learning journey. We believe that FLUENT oral communication is the core for MOTIVATION and RECRUITMENT at GCSE and beyond. This journey starts at Y7 and will culminate for many, at Y11.

You can have a look at our intent and pedagogy document in this document here.


Our curriculum was then underpinned by our mission statement and big intent. We had to create a curriculum which will lead our students to achieve FLUENCY and will create the foundations of success at GCSE. This meant that students had to experience success in MFL and had to be able to communicate as from day one, using high frequency structures and incorporating from day one, the vocabulary that will be required at GCSE.

To help us retrieve these key structures and create nuggets of success, which could be retrieved constantly in any studied topic from Y7 to Y9, we came up with the concept of the 5 MAGIC POWERS:

1. Using more than one tense: through high frequency structures which can be applied to any topic, such as "suelo, solía, decidí, me gusta, me gustaba, me gustaría, or quiero" followed by infinitive.

2. Giving opinions

3. Giving reasons

4. Using reported speech "mi amigo dice que" or/and talking about someone else

5. Using high impact expressions and/or idioms "lo que más me gusta es"

We also embraced the concept that less is more, so we decided to teach only 3 topics per year at KS3. All this was embedded in Sentence Builders and a lexicogrammar approach to teaching languages, which allowed us to scaffold the teaching/learning process to suit all abilities and help students experience success. It worked!


This was essential. We had talks for parents and students where we explained what is the eBacc, what it required and the implications if a student did not study a language at GCSE: they would not get the eBacc! To help us with this, we created posters and leaflets using Canva. This is the link to our "Why study languages" poster. Depending on your school context, you may have to educate SLT! We were lucky at PRS at SLT were behind us and understood the mission.

We also delivered presentations to parents about why students should study languages at GCSE.  This is the link to our parents' presentation.

In this process, we also invited David Binns from Sanako to talk to our Y9 students.  David gave an extremely entertaining and engaging talk from the point of view of employers, on how more desirable, potential employees who can speak a language can be and how much more money they can earn!  

This 3 pillar strategy worked for us in just a few months. This was just stage 1. Stage 2 will focus on extracurricular activities and project based learning. 

However, for numbers to be high at GCSE, just focussing on extracurricular activities and culture is not enough, although it will be fundamental at a second stage, once the curriculum, intent and pedagogical approach (achieving fluency and experiencing success) are well rooted in the department and the school.

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