Tailored CPD for your school/trust

I have been teaching languages for 22 years in a wide range of schools: comprehensive, grammar and independent. My most recent post was at King’s Ely where I worked as Head of MFL, Spanish and Digital Learning Lead until the summer of 2022. I am an Advanced Skilled Teacher and a Silver Winner of the Pearson National Teaching Awards 2022, under the category of Teacher of the Year in a Secondary School.

Recently I have become a published author thanks to Dr Gianfranco Conti and Dylan Viñales with whom I co-authored the book Spanish Verbs Pivots, a lexicogrammar approach to learn/teach grammar focussing on the most frequent verbs used for successful communication in Spanish.

I am a proud educational blogger, as blogging can be a powerful, reflective tool to improve my own teaching practice and, in the process, help and learn from others. 

I fully implement a lexicogrammar approach in my lessons fully embedded in research theory, combined with the skilful use of digital tools to improve teaching and learning, to enhance motivation and to reduce workload in teachers. 

I am very keen to add culture and provide real life communicative scenarios to my teaching and Scheme of Work, which has led me to coordinate and lead several Erasmus projects and incorporate project based learning to the lexicogrammar approach. 

I have carried out numerous CPD sessions, mainly via webinars, both privately and via organisations, such as Linguascope, ISMLA, ALL or TILT.  Similarly, I have spoken in conferences, such as Word Languages, Teach Languages, The Language Show, The Festival of Education, The UKedchat Conference, or the National Modern Foreign Languages Conference, with lovely feedback! 

I am going to have a break from teaching, due to my family relocating to Oxford and during this time I will be providing CPD for schools, trusts and organisations. 

I can offer tailored face to face or online CPD on any MFL related topics. Please, note I am not an EPI trainer. The topics below are just a suggestion to work from, based on past workshops: 

Motivating students in the MFL classroom

Developing skills in low attainer learners at GCSE

Achieving a 100 % pass rate at GCSE

How to stretch ALL students at GCSE

Developing oral skills at GCSE: why it should be the core and how to prepare students for the speaking GCSE exam

Improving grades at GCSE for ALL students

A text approach method to teaching A Level 

High impact Digital tools and activities to use at A Level/ GCSE to maximise grades

Adaptability in the MFL classroom

Anchoring in challenge: The power of having high expectations, practical examples

Achieving fluency: the magical journey from modelling to spontaneity/independence 

Gamification in the MFL classroom

Project Based Learning in MFL, including exploitation of short and long films

Project Based Learning in MFL via international, virtual and face to face, collaboration

Metacognition in MFL: practical, simple ideas, linked to Feedback or Feedforward! 

Implementing Rosenshine's principles via Digital Tools in MFL

Developing a Blended Learning approach in the MFL classroom

Delivering High Impact lessons via the use of Digital Tools: providing stickability

Developing Retrieval Practice and Independent learning in MFL

Developing vocabulary in the MFL classroom

Developing listening, reading, writing and speaking at KS3/GCSE 

Teaching grammar in the MFL classroom 

Designing a rich curriculum in MFL

If you or your school/trust want to discuss a fully tailored CPD programme for the needs of your organisation, you can contact me via the contact form on the right, by messaging me via Twitter @BotonesSalgado or emailing me at esmeraldasalgado02@gmail.com

Some feedback from teachers:

Thank you so much for coming to train us today, for sharing your methodology and all your wonderful and engaging activities.  Your passion for having high expectations and for making languages fun and therefore motivating for all students was really inspiring. You also bowled everyone over with your enthusiasm! 

When you fill an entire notebook with notes, ideas, things to change, ideas to share and inspiration - you know it’s been an excellent day of professional learning. 

I don’t remember the last time I was so buzzing about re-planning curriculum, schemes of work and lesson planning! I’m (almost) a bit disappointed I have no time this weekend to get to it!

I am looking forward to working with and learning from you!


1 comment:

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