Teaching and Learning Resources

Below you will find my latest resources for Year 8, Year 9, Year 10 and Year11. Y12 and Y13 will follow soon! I do not normally Year 7 so I have only shared our departmental Sentence Builders but not other teaching resources as these would not be mine.  At the very bottom, for those teaching A Level, there's a IRP Schedule to help students to manage their individual work.

We do not use textbooks! We ditched them a long time ago, but we use audiofiles and resources at my own convenience from a combination of many, mainly the Viva and Mira series for both KS3 and KS4. Our listening and reading resources are taken, mainly, from these textbook files and Exampro. However, we also make many listening and reading resources ourselves, using our Sentence Builders. All our Sentence Builders are linked to Memrise courses for KS3 and Quizlet for KS4. All the resources shared are my own! Feel free to follow the links and download whatever is useful. 

Most of my resources are Smartboard Notebooks files, (sorry!). I do not use PowerPoint to teach so my sequence of lessons/resources are Smartboard Notebooks. The Notebook files will show the sequence of a whole string of lessons for a whole topic. 

At KS3, we teach only a topic per term, except in Y9 when we teach 4 topics within an academic year. We do 6 topics roughly in Y10 and 6 in Y11, finishing the syllabus by the end of February, that way, we dedicate around two months to do revision and prepare students for the oral exam.

LearningApps Resources for ALL Years

LearningApps Activities

DeckToys Resources for ALL Years

DeckToys Activities

Year 7 teaching and learning resources 

Year 8 teaching and learning resources

Y8 Topic of Where I live resources

Y8 Topic of Daily routine resources

Y8 Topic of Holidays resources

Sentence Builders for all topics in Y8

Year 9 teaching and learning resources

On the topic of Media, we have traditionally studied, in depth, the film Voces Inocentes and the workbooks on the resources were taken from Rachel Hawkes resources, so those two PDF files are not my creation.  
We have decided to change the film choice to Coco this academic year, so a few resources on the film are shared but they are not fully completed.

Y9 Topic of Transport 

Y9 Topic of Media

Y9 Topic of Healthy living and food

Year 10 teaching and learning resources (AQA)

All resources shared are my own creation. For copyright issues, I have not shared readings and listening activities based on our Textbooks: Viva/ Oxford AQA books and Exampro. 

Y10 Topic of Holidays

Y10 Topic of Life at school and my Studies  

Y10 Topic of Family and Relationships

Y10 Topic of Technology

Y10 Topic of Free Time

Sentence Builders for all topics in Y10

Link to Quizlet courses for Sentence Builders above

Y10 GCSE ORAL BOOKLET (Oral Questions samples, Roleplays and Photocards)

Year 11 teaching and learning resources (AQA)

All resources shared are my own creation. For copyright issues, I have not shared readings and listening activities based on our Textbooks: Viva/ Oxford AQA books and Exampro.

Y11 Topic of Work 

Y11 Topic of My Region

Y11 Topic of Festivals 

Y11 Topic of Environment and Global Issues

Y11 Topic of Healthy living 


Mock exams Self-Reflection sheet

Y11 GCSE ORAL BOOKLET (Oral Questions Samples, Roleplays and Photocards)

A Level IRP Schedule

Schedule to help students with their IRP at A Level


  1. Hola! I have just seen a Connect 4 template that you have made. I think it's Genialy. Do you think that I could have a copy of it please? Would you be kind enough to send me a copy to thomase785@hwbcymru.net Muchisimas gracias Liz

    1. Hi! The connect 4 game and other board games by Genially, are shared in the mfltwitterati Padlet on top of this blog. They are under Other Games. :)

  2. Thank you Esmeralda for sharing your brilliant ideas. You are such an inspiration. We are partly onsite partly onliine so this is really helpful.

  3. Muchas gracias por compartir tu impresionante trabajo y ayudarnos tanto. Me encantaría trabajar contigo, eres la caña. ��

    1. Wow! Todo un honor! Súper contenta de que te sirva de ayuda!!

  4. Muchísimas gracias por estos magníficos recursos y por compartir siempre tus experiencias con nosotr@s.

    1. Muchas gracias por tu comentario! Todo un placer!

  5. Muchas gracias Esmeralda por compartir.
    Google dice que son unsupported files.
    Sabes si las puedo abrir de otra manera?

    1. Hola, muchos de los documentos son de Smartboard notebook y si no tienes el programa en tu ordenador no los puedes bajar, lo siento no uso PowerPoint... ¿puedes abrir las carpetas?

    2. Hola, intenta abrir los documentos con un ordenador no desde el móvil. Al ser zipped documents/folders éstos no funcionan en móviles sino sólo en ordenadores.A mí me sale el mismo mensaje desde el móvil pero puedo acceder a ellos desde mi portátil.:)

  6. Hola Esmeralda, muchísimas gracias por compartir tu trabajo. He entrado en varios grupos pero no me deja acceder a las actividades cuando es un pdf, ¿sabes por qué? Por ejemplo, no puedo ver los sentence builders de Y7.

    Gracias x

    1. Hola, bájate las carpetas enteras y accede a los documentos desde allí. Google drive no abre muchos de los formatos. :)

  7. Muchas gracias Esmeralda por compartir tus recursos tan fantásticos...

  8. Mil gracias por todo lo que compartes...Me salvas la vida no sé cuantas veces 😘😘😘

    1. Un placer, de verdad y encantadísima que te sirvan!

  9. Guau! Un trabajo increíble y una generosidad absoluta. Muchas gracias!

  10. Ibu Esmerelda, I cannot thank you enough for your generosity and kindness in sharing your beautifully made and organised teaching & learning resourcs. They are lucky students and colleagues, indeed!! I have taken a look at your work & it has inspired me where to head for my Indonesian classes; both what I do and don't want to teach. I love your blog for its consistent inspiration & takeawayability. Thanks again, Kirsten

  11. Thank you for your message. So glad you find the resources useful. Please keep in touch. Amazing this has reached Indonesia!

  12. Thank you for your message. So glad you find the resources useful. Please keep in touch. Amazing this has reached Indonesia!

  13. Thank you so much for sharing these amazing resources. Are there any resources for French on this platform?

  14. Thank you so much Esmeralda for sharing your resources, knowledge and experience so freely! You are incredibly generous and I always look forward to reading your blogs. Your contribution as an educator of students and teachers is immense! ¡Muchísimas gracias! Sara x


SOS: So after the Y11 mocks, what?

We just completed our second set of mock exams for Y11 before the February half-term and after analysing results, most students missed the n...